Sufi Stories Inspiration:     In Tamil
1. Jesus, the son of the holy Mary, was walking in the desert near Jerusalem with some people who had not restrained their eagerness to know things.
2. The men were pestering Jesus to tell them the magical name that would bring the dead back to life.
3. Jesus said to them, "If I tell you, you will abuse it."
4. “No, we are ready, with the ability to acquire knowledge of it. And knowing that will strengthen our belief,’ said those people.
5. Prophet Jesus revealed it to them, saying, "You do not know what you are asking."
6. After that those people continued walking in the desert. Some distance away they saw piles of white bones.
7. "They said that we will now examine the word we have learned. They did accordingly.
8. Those piles of bones acquired blood and flesh and became grotesque and rabid beast, biting and tearing those people to shreds.
9. Wise people will understand this. People of lesser knowledge will fill themselves by reading this story.