5. அகதி சொல் அம்பலம் ஏறாது.
The word of the destitute does not have credibility in the assembly.
Rev Percival wrote Tamil proverbs 1874
God Himself is the help of the helpless.
Source: Proverb source: Madurai Project
Tamil Proverbs with their English Translation
containing upwards of Six thousand proverbs
By The Rev. P. Percival,
Chaplain, Madras Military Female Orphan Asylum:
Author of the "Land of the Veda" etc.
Second Edition, 1874
Madras: Printed and Published at the Dinavartamani Press,
Little Bourne, Mylapore








Will not climb

1. Once upon a time in the vibrant state of Tamil Nadu, nestled amidst its lush green landscapes and rich cultural heritage, there lived a small village named Namur. This village was known for its close-knit community, where people valued unity and trusted one another. The villagers often gathered in the central assembly to discuss important matters that affected their lives.

2. In this village, there lived a poor elderly man named Ramasamy. Despite his poverty, Ramasamy was known for his wisdom and kind heart. He possessed a remarkable ability to solve problems and give sound advice that benefited those who sought his help.

3. One fateful day, a critical issue arose within the village. The villagers were debating an important decision regarding the allocation of funds for the construction of a new school. The assembly was filled with lively discussions and varying opinions, but a consensus seemed elusive.

4. Observing the ongoing debates and sensing an opportunity to contribute, Ramasamy gathered his courage and approached the assembly. With a trembling voice, he shared his thoughts and proposed a unique solution that would not only address the issue at hand but also benefit the entire village.

5. However, as soon as Ramasamy began speaking, a few affluent villagers scoffed at his presence. They dismissed his words due to his humble background, assuming that his poverty rendered his ideas unworthy of consideration. The assembly seemed to brush off Ramasamy's contribution, deeming it irrelevant and lacking credibility.

6. Undeterred by the initial response, Ramasamy persevered. He understood that the proverb "அகதி சொல் அம்பலம் ஏறாது" rang true in that moment, as his words struggled to gain traction in the assembly without the backing of wealth or influence.

7. However, Ramasamy's patience, wisdom, and perseverance eventually caught the attention of a young and newly elected member of the village government named Meenakshi, the daughter of the president of Gram Panchayat (Village Local Government) Unlike some of the affluent villagers, Meenakshi recognized the value of every individual's voice, regardless of their social standing. She believed that the brilliance of an idea should not be overshadowed by the speaker's financial situation.

8. Moved by compassion and a genuine desire for the welfare of the village, Meenakshi took it upon herself to champion Ramasamy's proposal. She eloquently presented his idea to the assembly, highlighting its potential benefits and impact on the future of the village.

9. As the assembly listened attentively to Meenakshi's impassioned plea, they slowly began to realize the wisdom in Ramasamy's words. The room filled with a newfound respect for the elderly man's contribution, recognizing that his ideas held immense value despite his destitute circumstances.

10. In the end, Ramasamy's proposal was not only approved but embraced wholeheartedly by the entire village. The new school was constructed, providing education and opportunities for generations to come. The incident served as a powerful reminder that the word of the destitute indeed had credibility, given the chance to be heard.

11. From that day forward, the village of Namur learned the profound lesson encapsulated by the proverb "அகதி சொல் அம்பலம் ஏறாது." They realized that societal biases and prejudices should never be obstacles in recognizing the credibility and value of ideas, regardless of the speaker's social or economic status. The incident left an indelible mark on the village, fostering an environment where everyone's voices were honored and respected, no matter their background.