
Also known as CSFLR: Children's Stories For Laughter and Reflection.  
Knismesis = Low level of stimulation to provoke laughter
Gargalesis = Higher level of stimulation to provoke laughter
Gelia = Greek for Laughter
                                                                          Copyright-free publication by Poet T. Govindhan, D.Litt.


 Gargalesis Laughter:

Knismesis and gargalesis are the scientific terms, coined in 1897 by psychologists G. Stanley Hall and Arthur Allin,[1] used to describe the two types of tickling. Knismesis refers to the light, feather-like type of tickling. This type of tickling generally does not induce laughter and is often accompanied by an itching sensation.[2] Gargalesis refers to harder, laughter-inducing tickling, and involves the repeated application of high pressure to sensitive areas.
Bare-bones story-telling at its best. You add embellishments, if you want.  
Poet. T. Govindan, D. Litt.  In Tamil
1. Resolution
The father and the son did not see eye to eye on many matters. The father invited a guest for dinner and sent his son to the meat market in the next town. While returning from the meat market, the son at the entrance to the town, noticed sa person coming towards him. They were approaching each other face to face in the narrow path. No one would yield and so they stood there for a long time.
The father worried about the son not returning in a long time, went looking for him. He saw his son at the entrance to the town. The father told his son to go home with the meat and stay home with the guest. ‘’In your place, I will stand here face to face with the man.’’

2. Instant rich man

A poor man became rich. In his new life, he forgot his past. One day he went around the house inspecting the garden and entered the house in a gloomy mood.  His wife asked him about his dissatisfaction. He said, ‘’I am soaking wet from the fall of the dew from the red flower. Call the doctor so that I will not suffer from dew-fever.''  The wife responded, ‘’ Dd you forget our meeting with each other as beggars? That night, we had no shelter and therefore we sought refuge in the bamboo thicket. Did you get wetter than at that time?’’ That question, she asked, so to strike his heart.

3. Intellectual with one-clothe wardrobe.
An intellectual had only one piece of clothing to wear. Since he had to wash and dry it, he went to bed naked. Once, as usual, he went to bed stark-naked, while his entire wardrobe was drying on the clothesline. That time, a visitor came to see the intellectual. Not seeing the intellectual, the visitor asked his son, ''Where is your dad?'' The son said, ''In bed.'' ''What is the matter? Is he ill?'', asked the visitor. The son asked for explanation, ''Does going to bed for lack of clothes mean illness?''
4. Poor Worker
A poor man received a dinner invitation to the house of rich relatives. Since he did not have high-fashion clothes, he went clothed in light cotton clothes. He thought others would laugh at him for wearing cheap clothes, and so he carried a fan with him to distract their attention from clothes to the fan on the hand. He told, ''I use the handheld fan both during the oppressive summer and cold winter.''

The dinner sponsor wanted to expose his antics, he used to cover up his penury. The host arranged beds for the overnight stay of the guests in the safe inner rooms of the house. The host showed the poor man an open-air raised platform near the pond in front of the house on a thin mattress with grass-filled pillow. The host made him go to bed without a blanket to cover him. He stood by him to see the drama about to take place.

The poor man woke up in the middle of the night from intense cold and attempted to use the mattress as the blanket. In that exciting moment, he flubbed and fell into the pond.

Watching this fiasco from a distance, the host pretending to be sympathetic, asked the poor man what happened. The poor man replied with upmost composure and dignity answered the host, ''It is the dislike I have for the heat. Nothing else. You arranged for me to sleep on the open-air platform. But it was my desire to take a dip in the pond before sleep.''
5. Ladder to heaven

When the father-in-law dined with the sons-in-law, he chose the worst seat. Insulted by this, his wife advised him to sit at the best, the foremost and the most respected seat running ahead of everybody else. He did not understand the advice.

When he along with his wife went to his father-in-law's house, the guests were asked to take their seats. His wife signaled her husband to sit on the first guest seat. Her husband noticed a difference in the height of her two hands, and a ladder in the dining room. Immediately, he ran, went up the steps halfway. Seeing this, his wife stared at him in frustration and anger. But, unable to interpret her sign language and her roving eyes, he called out his wife loudly and said, ''How high do you want me to go? until I catch the heavens?''  Not knowing what to do, his wife stood there perplexed and petrified. 

6. Look for a way to earn a livelihood
A man desired to be lauded by others. A person, discovering his penchant for praise, praised him right before him. The sycophant said, 'Your eyes tell that you will live out your life every day with wealth and prosperity.'' Hearing this laudation, the man kept him in his house as a guest, extended great hospitality and gave him expensive gifts. When the sycophant was about to leave, he observed to the praise-seeker, ‘You must do some work. With two eyes, one cannot predict one's entire future.'
7. We are all one.
An intellectual was once explaining the universal truth, ''All natural creations are one.'' An educated intellectual was listening and posed a question, ''Can a person with analytical mind subdue and rule the ocean ghosts and tigers? Under the assumption that we are all one, can a person ride a tiger?'
Senthēl (= Red scorpion) who was listening to this conversation laughed loud and said, ''Riding on the back of the tiger indicates two bodies having bodily differences. If the tiger swallows the man, now two individuals became one.'' Hearing this, the assembled crowd dispersed and left the hall.
8. Drinking less
Sirrarasu was used to imbibing alcoholic drinks. When he was appointed as the Director of Education, in Sātthur, his father realized he would lose his job on account of his excessive drinking. He wrote a letter to his son, telling him to avoid excessive drinking.
As result of his advice, Sirrarasu fashioned a gold goblet out of his first paycheck, inscribed with, 'Do not forget father's advice. Do not drink more than three goblets of drink in one day.' After these words, these oft-spoken words became proverbs.
9. Happiness from intuition
Pandiyanar is an intellectual. In the evenings, he went to the house of Mani to teach lessons. He had a penchant to write poetry. One day, he ate his dinner at Tirumani's house and went on his way to his house. It was early at night. The full moon was moving on its celestial orbit, which inspired the intellectual to sing poems with great burst of enthusiasm.
'There is nothing equal to the ambrosial vessel on the palm of the hand. How many times do we see the full moon in one year.' His happiness knew no bounds. He ran home and banged on the door. He raised an alarm, prompting his landlord to come to him. The intellectual's ruckus made the inmates of the house go running to him in haste and excitement, wondering whether there was a robbery or fire. The landlord knowing the intellectual's vociferous outburst said, 'Well and good. Let us go hit the bottle. Come on.' The landlord took him inside.
10. Swimming is in the blood.
A man from Sēra country was a top-class swimmer. One day, his wife was floating her baby in the water, as noticed by a traveler, who questioned her, 'Why do you do this?.'' She answered with pride, 'Should he not be an excellent swimmer like his father?'' The traveler shut his mouth and went on his way.
11. Mark X
Once a warrior crossed the river by boat. His sword fell off the waist scabbard into the river. Immediately the warrior marked the boat, to mark the spot. The boat reaches the riverside. He swam to the spot where he marked the boat with an X.

12. Two mistakes of a contrary nature.
A useless son always acted against his father's wishes. When he was lying on his deathbed, thinking his son would act contrary to his wishes, said to him, 'Son, when I die, bury me in any waterbody.'
The father assumed in his mind that his son would inter him in the ground. But that good-for-nothing son thought that he was remiss during his father's life, and he would carry out his instructions after his death. Once he died, the son dug a pond in the family property and dumped his father's dead boy in the pond.
13. Precious girl
Two next-door youths desired to marry the young girl. The eastside youth's father was very rich, but his son was not handsome. The northside youth was handsome but poor. The girl's family was in a quandary as to who they should choose. The girl knew the answer and said, ''I will marry both. I will eat in the eastside house and sleep in the westside house.' Such a precious bride-to-be explained her position.