The origin of the proverb, ''Better late than never''
The proverb "Better late than never" certainly carries wisdom that has transcended centuries, emphasizing the value of completing a task or deciding, even if it's done later than originally planned or expected. Its origin from Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales," specifically in "The Yeoman’s Prologue and Tale," highlights its deep roots in English literature. Chaucer, being one of the most significant figures in English literature, crafted tales that depicted various aspects of life during the 14th century, with his work providing a rich tapestry of medieval society and its values.

This proverb's message is timeless, encouraging individuals to act despite potential delays. It suggests that the outcome of action taken is more valuable than the inaction stemming from missed opportunities or procrastination. In a world where timing is often critical, this saying serves as a reminder that it is better to achieve or complete something late than to never attempt it at all.
In the context of "The Yeoman’s Prologue and Tale," Chaucer's employment of this phrase would have been an early example of using narrative to convey moral lessons or societal values, a tradition that continues in storytelling to this day. The saying has been adopted and adapted through generations, maintaining its relevance in various contexts, whether personal, professional, or educational.
Its endurance as a piece of wisdom speaks to the universal experience of facing delays, setbacks, or changes in plans. "Better late than never" reassures us that our efforts have value, regardless of timing, and encourages perseverance and action. It's a useful perspective to hold when navigating the complexities and unpredict abilities of life.

Better late than never
The Clockmaker and the unfinished masterpiece

In the heart of the bustling city of Veritas, there lived an old clockmaker named Eli. His shop, nestled on the corner of Timeless Lane, was filled with clocks of every shape and size, each ticking away in perfect harmony. Eli was known throughout the city not only for his exquisite craftsmanship but also for his punctuality. In Veritas, time was everything, and being late was considered the greatest of social faux pas.

However, there was one project, hidden beneath a dusty cloth in the back of his workshop, that Eli had never completed. It was a grand clock, intended to be his masterpiece, featuring intricate carvings and an elaborate mechanism unlike anything ever seen. But as the years went by, Eli found himself overwhelmed by the demands of his business and the complexities of life, leaving the grand clock unfinished.

One day, a young girl named Lila wandered into Eli's shop. Lila was known for her curious nature and had a keen interest in the mechanics of time. She noticed the hidden shape beneath the cloth and asked Eli about it. With a sigh, Eli unveiled the incomplete clock and shared the story of his unfinished masterpiece. Lila listened intently, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Why don't you finish it?" Lila asked innocently.

Eli shook his head. "It's too late for that," he replied. "So much time has passed, and I fear I've lost the skill and inspiration to complete it."

Lila, however, was not deterred. "But isn't it better late than never?" she persisted, echoing a phrase she had heard from her grandmother.

Her words struck a chord in Eli's heart. He realized that his fear of failure and his adherence to punctuality had prevented him from completing what could be his greatest work. Inspired by Lila's words, Eli decided to finish the clock, no matter how long it took.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Eli worked tirelessly, with Lila often visiting to watch him work and offer words of encouragement. The townspeople of Veritas, intrigued by Eli's sudden fervor, began to stop by, offering their support and marveling at the clock's progress.

Finally, after many months, the grand clock was completed. Its unveiling was a grand event in Veritas, attended by the entire town. The clock was more magnificent than anyone could have imagined, its chimes resonating throughout the city, marking the passage of time with a melody that reminded all of Veritas of the beauty of patience and perseverance.

Eli's masterpiece became a symbol of inspiration in Veritas, a reminder that it is never too late to pursue one's dreams. The old clockmaker, once ruled by the constraints of time, had learned that some things were worth the wait. And Lila, the young girl who had reignited Eli's passion, stood by his side, beaming with pride.

The story of Eli and his grand clock spread far and wide, teaching all who heard it the value of the proverb, "Better late than never." For in the end, it was not the ticking of the clocks that mattered most, but the timeless lesson of hope, determination, and the enduring belief that it is never too late to complete a masterpiece of one's own life.